We have signed a contract with the Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Center ZBT, Germany on June 8, 2021, to provide them a carbon dioxide capture plant. This marks a significant leap towards companies embracing carbon minus solutions.
After installation, this DAC unit will produce up to 21 kg/day of >98% pure CO₂, compressed to above 10 bar. A 12 m × 2.4 m × 2.87 m container houses the unit and it can limit the noise level to approximately 62 dB.

“Our system is more compact and tailored for buildings – I think that’s what makes our units suitable for organizational use. Winning this tender shows our competence in the global carbon capture market” says Petri Laakso, CEO at Soletair Power. “We are delighted and super excited to deliver our system to ZBT!”
The Soletair Power device will be installed on ZBT’s test site in Duisburg. This will enable ZBT to utilize the carbon dioxide from the air in making synthetic fuels.
“The DAC technology is a link to close the carbon cycle and to enhance the storage of renewable power,” says Ulrich Gardemann, Group Leader, Methane Technologies at ZBT. “We are happy to install Soletair Power’s CO2 capture system and demonstrate the whole variety of power to gas applications on our test field in Duisburg.”
Most climate model scenarios suggest that billions of metric tons of carbon dioxide must be removed from the atmosphere to confront global warming and to prevent the worst climate impacts. Among the several carbon-removal approaches, direct air capture technology shows enormous potential for scaling up and these systems are the first of their kind.
About Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Center ZBT:
ZBT is one of the leading research institutes in Europe for fuel cell and hydrogen technologies and a sought-after R&D partner in both European and national cutting-edge research as well as in industrial projects focusing on automotive applications and stationary power generation. To learn more about ZBT, please visit: www.zbt.de/nc/en/meta-menu/home
Links to Press Release:
- Kauppalehti (Finnish): https://www.kauppalehti.fi/uutiset/talla-laitteella-sisailmasta-tiivistetaan-polttoainetta-suomalainen-soletair-power-vie-hiilidioksidikaapparinsa-saksaan/08fac4b3-c5c4-4503-8f70-8a4b0d533db4
- STT info (English): https://www.sttinfo.fi/tiedote/finnish-startup-soletair-power-signs-contract-with-german-zbt-to-provide-their-direct-air-capture-of-co2-unit?publisherId=69818774&releaseId=69913758