Finnish direct air carbon capture technology company Soletair Power and CO2 utilization technology company Liquid Sun are proud to announce a significant milestone in the development of sustainable aviation fuel (eSAF). In November 2024, Soletair Power delivered a batch of their air-captured carbon dioxide (CO2) to Liquid Sun for utilization in their research and development work toward replacing fossil fuels with synthetic alternatives.

Liquid Sun uses the delivered CO2 in the industrial demonstration of its eSAF technology, conducted in its laboratory in Tampere, Finland. The demonstration aims to develop synthetic feedstock production for sustainable aviation fuels through innovative low-temperature electrolysis.
“Quite a milestone! To my knowledge, this is one of the first experiments in Finland, and perhaps even the Nordic region, where air-captured CO2 is being refined into eSAF feedstocks,” said Pasi Keinänen, CEO of Liquid Sun. “By advancing this technology, we’re not just accelerating the commercial viability of e-fuels, we’re creating a pathway for Finland to establish itself as a global e-fuel powerhouse.”
Soletair Power specializes in modular Direct Air Capture (DAC) technology, which captures CO2 from the air flowing through buildings and other ambient air sources. While DAC is gaining traction for producing CO2 credits, utilization of atmospheric CO2 for eSAF production presents unique challenges compared to capturing biogenic CO2 from industrial sources. However, this collaboration highlights the versatility and scalability of DAC technology in achieving net-zero goals, even in the demanding e-fuel production sector.
“We capture CO2, and the captured CO2 needs to be utilized. This partnership with Liquid Sun will help us explore the potential of Soletair Power’s DAC technology and their captured CO2’s utilization in driving innovation in sustainable aviation fuel production,” said Petri Laakso, CEO of Soletair Power. “We’re thrilled about this!”

By exploring new ways to use CO2 captured from the air to make sustainable e-fuel for airplanes, Soletair Power and Liquid Sun are charting new courses where aviation can thrive without compromising the health of our planet.
About Soletair Power
Soletair Power Oy is a Finnish cleantech company focusing on developing massively scalable modular technologies to capture carbon dioxide (CO2) directly from the air. The main product is a direct air capture (DAC) system designed to be integrated with existing building ventilation systems (HVAC). This helps building owners reduce their net carbon footprint through captured and avoided CO2 emissions and meet their as well as tenants’ sustainability goals. Captured CO2 can be permanently stored and thus create a “carbon sink” effect for the building. Soletair Power has moved beyond the development stage and already delivered several DAC systems.
Soletair Power’s website:
Petri Laakso
Co-founder and CEO
Soletair Power Oy
tel. +358 40 544 5646
About Liquid Sun Ltd.
Liquid Sun Ltd specializes in converting CO2 into e-fuels and e-chemicals. Its technology enables the production of synthetic aviation fuel, eSAF, and is scalable to global markets. The company’s innovations are built on unique low-temperature electrolyzer technology (LTE). Liquid Sun’s mission is to deliver cost-competitive e-fuel solutions that replace fossil fuels to reach global CO2 emission targets. Established in 2022, the company has a strong research background from Stanford University and Tampere University.
Liquid Sun’s website:
Panu Nordlund
Co-founder, Brand and Communications
Liquid Sun Ltd.
tel. +358 40 8600 293